Monday, September 30, 2019

Custom Coffee Essay

I believe Custom Coffee & Chocolate mission is to establish a small cafà © where they and their customers could indulge their love of good coffee and fine chocolates. Bonnie and Stacy, recent college roommates, wanted a location that got a lot of foot traffic from shoppers and businesses. Their desire was to target a place near the university because they knew and understood those customers well. The purpose of the cafe’ is to serve unique coffee blends and specialty chocolates, and the business plan included purchasing only fair trade coffee and chocolates made by a few local suppliers. SWOT ANALYSIS: Strengths – Having a good location where public transportation is not a issue. The owners will be selling products that are considered to be good quality, near top of the line. Customers have the options of eating in or taking out their purchases. Weakness – The shop is pretty small, and can only hold a certain amount of customers, and they will need more funding to expand. Opportunity – The opportunities are unlimited, expanding the menu to include baked chocolates, desserts, tea and other beverages. If the businesses continue to grow, Bonnie & Stacy may be able to start a small franchise. Threats – I don’t detect any threats, unless a similar business moves in the same location. Bonnie & Stacy are doing all the right things to make their cafe’ affordable, and customer friendly. It is a nice place for friends and family to meet and chat while having a cup of coffee or reading the newspaper. Comfort is always important to me, so I like the idea of them having comfortable seating. Putting up a website and blog page might be helpful to customers and potential customers, for information and feedback. I don’t believe that delivery would be a good thing right now, maybe in another six months. Great job Bonnie & Stacy, you knew what you wanted and went for it. I wish you much success.

Sunday, September 29, 2019

Job Satisfaction in the Workplace Essay

Brent Meyers’ stated,† as employees demand increases in salary, the cost of producing goods or services also increases†. With the unemployment rate where it is today and was, company owners can remain stagnant with his/her current work force as it pertains to wage increases. I believe employees understand that finding employment in this economy can be daunting, and business owners are educated to these thoughts. Another element that plays into job satisfaction is management strategies and personal interaction between managers and company personnel. I recently read an article about new managers and ten mistakes he/she may make. Management: Top 10 New Manager Mistakes. In this article, John F. Reh points out ten critical mistakes new manager make. I believe he is spot on due to shifts in management personnel here at Nypro, my current employer. The first mistake on John’s list is â€Å"thinking he/she knows everything†. Most managers I have come across micromanage his/her team due to lack of trust and believing his/her knowledge is far superior to those working under them. This in turn leaves little room for a team to develop because lack of communication is there between parties. The second leading mistake new managers make is â€Å"showing everyone who’s in charge†. With the shift in new management personnel, I’m sure everyone knows who the new boss is. Pushing one’s weight around, and showing your ego’s true colors will only lead to resentment and failure to cooperate. This in-turn leads to employee dissatisfaction and most likely, a lack in quality produced products. Third on this list is â€Å"change everything†. Trying to † re-invent the wheel† will most likely lead to the discomfort of employees. Most people find it hard to change with the times. Most feel comfortable by staying with routine and what he/she knows. Moving individuals out of his/her comfort zone can have a negative impact on performance. With that said though, sometimes change is necessary, considering that our economic system is financially unstable, which in turn is effecting the way companies are doing business in this globalized business world. This list does continues on with negatives that impact job satisfaction, but I would also like to take the time to point out the positive influences managers can have as well. Bauer, T. , & Erdogan, B. Organizational Behavior. chapter 12. Throughout this course we have learned the behaviors of individuals in the work place, motivation, stress, communication, etc. Chapter 12, â€Å"Leading People Within Organizations† was an eye opener for me. Some of the most fundamental aspects of managing a team or company has been forgot in my eyes by most managers in this current job market. I believe today, employees are missing the â€Å"People orientated leaders†. By definition, â€Å"People Orientated Leaders† are those that † show concern for employee feelings and treating employees with respect and consideration†. Bauer & Erdogan pg. 290. ) Managers of today in my mind follow â€Å"Theory X† which states † employees are lazy, do not enjoy working, and will avoid expending energy on work whenever possible†. ( Bauer & Erdogan pg. 291. ) I clearly stated earlier that companies are struggling to return to a high standing in profitabi lity due to a failing economy. By saying this, managers need to find ways to justify cuts and spending within an organization. So how do they go about making such cut? By having an assertive attitude and pointing the finger at employees. I don’t believe â€Å"theory X† is completely wrong, some workers in our companies are indeed lazy and do not want to expend energy on task provided, but I think if the managers of today were just as concerned with his/her workforce by being † Open, Conscientious, Sociable, and Agreeable†, as he/she is about profits and the stakeholders, the organizational environment may have a more fruitful existence along with a boost in productivity. [Bauer, T. , & Erdogan pg. 286. ] Lisa M. Saari & Timothy a. Judge Case study Employee Attitudes And Job Satisfaction. s an analysis of † three major gaps between HR practice and scientific research in the area of employee attitudes in general and the most focal employee attitude in particular- job satisfaction: 1) the cause of employee attitudes, 2) the result of positive or negative job satisfaction, and 3) how to measure and influence employee attitudes†. [Saari & Judge] Gap-1 † The Cause of Employee Attitudes† The first gap focuses on† employee personalities, cultural influences, and work situation influences†. A study on dispositional influences found that † childhood temperament was statistically related to adult job satisfaction up to 40 years later†. (Staw, Bell, & Clausen, 1986) Further studies have shown that job satisfaction stems from a individuals † disposition or temperament†. (Shane, & Herald, 1996) Despite the findings of these individuals Erez states that † one of the limitations in this literature is that it is not yet informative as to how exactly dispositions affect job satisfaction†. Erez, 1994) The researchers do say there is a correlation between job satisfaction, but know that â€Å"organizations cannot directly impact employee personalities†. So companies take different measures by placing employee into jobs that best suit him/her, and in-turn, improve employee attitudes. Cultural influences is another hot topic in this globalized job market. With the United States being the melting pot of the world, cross cultural work forces are inevitable. A study performed by Hofstede stated that there are † four cross-cultural dimensions, (1) Individualism- collectivism; (2) uncertainty avoidance versus risk taking; (3) Power distance; (4) masculinity/femininity. (Hofstede, 1980) The importance of HR to understand these four † cross-cultural factors† is detrimental to the adjustment of different cultural attitudes within an organization. [Hofstede] The last portions of gap-1 is â€Å"Work Situation Influence†. This to me is one if not the most important factor of job satisfaction, â€Å"is the nature of the work itself† satisfying. Also, these surveys provide data that a company can use to pinpoint problem areas within the organization. Nypro uses such surveys via internet to determine employee job satisfaction, would you recommend a relative or friend to work at Nypro, and are you satisfied with the work provided, question like that. This case study concludes its research with the view that more in-depth study is needed to measure the impact that employee attitudes have on an organization. Furthermore, this research will dive deeper into the understanding of † relationships between employee attitudes and business performance†. This in-turn â€Å"will Assist HR professionals as they strive to enhance the essential people side of the business in a highly competitive, global arena†. Lisa M. [Saari ;amp; Timothy a. Judge] I believe this case study pointed out some very strong facts that dictate a positive or negative attitude as it pertains to job satisfaction. Although the work performed was a focal point for this research and how it plays into a fruitful work environment. Managers attitude, friendship in the workplace, and economic stability, should have been focal points too of their research. I believe these three key factors play just as much a role in job satisfaction and employee attitudes as any other facet of a work environment. Understanding not just the employee and his/her personality, but the scope of the work environment, and management personnel that govern action among employees, will surely improve employee performance, attitude, and overall wellbeing of a company’s workforce. In conclusion, I chose this topic out of the many provided because job satisfaction in the work place has become a sore subject to discuss among co-workers in recent years. Since I have been in the manufacturing industry, I have heard talk of the business not being what it used to be. Employees are dissatisfied with the way companies in the manufacturing sector of business treat their employees. People don’t feel a sense of job security, are overworked, understaffed, and underpaid. In this declining economy, companies that once saw rising profits, now find themselves making cut anywhere they can. This of course will impact the company’s workforce itself. My degree pertains to management, and although there is areas of the business that are hard to control at the time, price of natural resources, conomic stability of the firm, competitors prices, and wages for employees, does not mean that managers have to forget fundamental areas he/she can control, company functions for staff members, personal interaction with the workforce, and letters or emails of praise to employees. I understand the financial collapse of the economy in 2008-2009 hurt a lot of firms, and those firms are still recovering from unethical acts performed by banks, wall street, and government personnel, but let’s not forget that the way we treat our employees has a huge impact on, production, employee morals, customer satisfaction, and the firm itself. I hope to one day be in a management position so that I can make a difference in employees lives as it pertains to his/her work environment. I want to lend an ear, be open, be passive and assertive to get task done, and most importantly, understand that the backbone of the organization lies within a happy and productive employee. During my journey through this course, Organizational Behavior, I have learned the importance of understanding people from the standpoint of work ethic, cultural differences, and how different personalities play into how a organization blends its population and functions as a team. Although the book covers managing and leading people within organizations, proper decision making skills, and the political aspect of power within companies. I believe an effective manager that is trying to create job satisfaction for his/her workforce needs personal people skill, and an understanding of cultural differences. I believe these fundamental characteristics, especially people skill, are sorely lacking in today’s job market of managers. The main focus of most managers today seems to lie with the financial wellbeing of the company rather than having a balance between finances and employee welfare. This course has taught me how to interact with people on a professional level. Sure, I may not get along with everyone and may not have all the answers when I am a manager, but treating everyone with dignity and respect far outweighs one’s ability to make the bottom line look good. Besides, without a mentally healthy workforce, profits and success could be far out

Saturday, September 28, 2019

How the Golf Equipment Is Changing

On top of that recession of 2007-08 and counterfeiting products in the market was the worst exasperations Golf Equipment industry had ever met. Every sports equipment manufacturer needs sales on the peak to grow and sustain In competitive environment. Sales are forecasted on the basis of demand in the market. Up to this point Golf Equipment manufacturers were happy but when some Golf Associations and Clubs hopped in, they ruined the demand by imposing limitations on technological design Innovations In club head and golf balls etc. Core Golfers were the biggest source of Golf Equipment sales and revenue.These consisted of the players who played 91% of the total golf rounds played in a year. Core Golfers had their problems as well for instance; hours of practice, instruction from a professional and patience to master all the aspects of Golf were their good excuses and a sales threat to Golf Equipment Industry subsequently. Underlying Drivers that changed Industry: The timestamp between 1997 and mid asses was the era of growth for Golf Equipment Industry but then came then came some underlying drivers that brought a downturn to the sales and growth.These drivers are named and explained below along with the effect they left on this industry. 1. USGS and R & A Golf Club of SST. Andrews . Golfers and rounds played 3. Counterfeiting Products 4. Recession USGS and R & A Golf Club of SST. Andrews: From asses till early asses, Golf Equipment industry was growing. Lots of innovations were being brought by manufacturers. For instance; size of the golf driver was Increased to minimize the bad effects of efficient hits. Similarly wedges were given more groove for Improving accuracy and balls were redesigned too.These all were for distance and accuracy purpose. These innovations proved good for PIG players 1 OFF as well as Tort Alphas. Average Elegance coverage was Increased Trot 2 yards. Consequently tournament committees started lengthening the golf courses. To protect the historic golf courses from being lengthened as there were space limitations, an association known as USGS (United Stated Golf Association) found CORD (Coefficient of Restitution or spring like effect in lay man's language) in this game and this was the start of impositions on Gold equipment technological innovations.CORD is a technical term describing the energy transference between two objects. According to USGS, CORD must not exceed 0. 83 otherwise spring like effect will be produced and that is barred. R & A Club of SST. Andrews also had an agreement with SAGA on the limitations imposed. R & A introduced another measurement I. E. CT(Characteristic Time) Test which, to avoid spring like effect required Golf ball to remain in contact with face of driver, not more than 257 microseconds. Although CT test was overruled by USGS subsequently but some other rules were brought in relating to driving clubs and balls.Manufacturers were disappointed by the limitations imposed but they were s till struggling to find their way. As USGS did not bring rules regarding club head size and club face, Golf Equipment manufacturers started trying to bring hangs in club face area that will produce maximum CT and they were successful. This club face performance was named as MOM (Moment of Inertia). After some alterations, golfers could achieve maximum driving distance. USGS after recognizing this change imposed limitation on MOM to 5900 g-CM with a tolerance of 100 GM- CM. Later on USGS imposed limitations on golf balls and wedges etc.All these impositions affected golf manufacturing industry. Some companies challenged USGS by introducing a driver with 0. 86 CORD but all in vain. This affected the recreational golf players also. USGS answered all the challenges and blames by stating that the purpose of limitations was to avoid excessive reliance on technological advancements rather than skills. Golfers and rounds played: Apart from the fact that SAGA produced lots of obstacles in th e growth of Golf Equipment Industry, there were some other factors also which contributed towards this downturn.A survey conducted in 2003 showed that interest of Golfers themselves is also declining. This lack of interest was caused by overall difficulty of the game. Golfers usually don't have much time to play as this game requires ample time to practice. Married players have had Job responsibilities as well as family time to be given. Players aged 40 and above were usually having health problems so they could not even play like core Golfers too. Some have even blamed high fee being charged which does not attract them more often.Counterfeiting Products: In mid asses, counterfeiters were giving very tough time to branded companies. Sometimes these people were so good in counterfeiting products that they look very near to the branded ones. Golf Equipment branded companies were shocked when they realized that some auctioneers are selling counterfeited golf equipment for $1 50 o $400, the branded price of which is $2500 to $3000. It was easy for eBay sellers to offer cheaper equipment. Why these counterfeiters came into the picture?There are different reasons, one of them is decisions made by golf executives who were sourcing club heads and giving contracts to manufacturers in china. Counterfeiters were persuading employees to steal molar AT Drained equipment . Black market production was also carried out in overtime. They even knew the packaging details of that equipment too. Steps were taken when six major manufacturers created an alliance to stop counterfeiting operations. A Chinese guy was prisoner for 3 years and fined $58000.Golf Equipment Industry & Recession (2007-2008): The biggest factor which affected this industry was recession of 2007-2008. This was a combined effect which basically started with credit and housing industry. Another major effect was on oil prices shooting up from $2. 25 to $3 and then $4 per gallon in 2008. As the golfer that time mi ght be a Job holder as well. He Might be using excessive credit cards. So recession made his credit card bills a huge burden for him and similarly for other golfers too. Rise in Mortgage payments added few more faculties to them.

Friday, September 27, 2019

Foundation Early childhood studies Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 2500 words

Foundation Early childhood studies - Essay Example ironment that emphasizes on morals and religion there is a high probability that those children will be well disciplined (Jones, Holmes & Powell, 2007). That notwithstanding the religious knowledge which was introduced to them at a tender age will enable them view the world from a religious perspective whereby everything has to be related to a supernatural god (Global Alliance for Advancing Hcd Programmes, 2010) In addition, child development does not entail only physical growth it is a multi-facet process that entails a lot of process ranging from cognitive development to the manner in which a child views things and reasons out (Fabian, & Mould, 2009). Human beings are social beings thus they will tend to imitate the behaviours of the people they interact with in their immediate environment (Derobertis, 1997). Children that are brought up in a surrounding whereby people are drunkard or possess any other undesirable trait will most likely grow up with the same trait (Taylor, & Woods, 2005). This basically because when the mind of a human being is young and developing the things that it was exposed to are prone to stick there forever unless that individual undergoes a total psychological dynamism in some point in life which may help to change the mind-set from previous habits (Meggitt, 2006). Human beings just like any other creatures undergo the process of physical development this is occasioned by repetitive differentiation of body cells leading to cell multiplication which in turn results to a living organism growing (Meggitt, (2006). According to the maturationist theory which was advanced by Arnold Gessel physical development in children is a purely biological process that occurs automatically to all children as long as they are kept health in an enabling environment (Fabian, & Mould, 2009). It goes on to state that the physical development process is predictable in the sense that by carefully analysing the progress in a child one is able to predict the

Thursday, September 26, 2019

With the increasing pressure following the recession, is CEO pay a Dissertation

With the increasing pressure following the recession, is CEO pay a justifiable way of rewarding CEO's A contrast between the UK - Dissertation Example Thus, with the aim to evaluate the difference in the CEO compensation structure in the US and the UK, three objectives were set. Data was gathered through previous academic papers and studies. The theories on CEO pay are disjointed and competing against each other. At the same time, the study also reveals that there is no consensus on what should be taken as fair pay. As the business environment changed, the macro-economic factors influenced CEO pay. Incentives were needed to attract and retain talent; it was also necessary to be comparable with the peer group. All these led to excessive CEO pay which suggests weak corporate governance structure and lack of management control. Firms could find loopholes even in regulations and codes of conduct. Statistics also reveal wide disparities in CEO pay and the workers’ pay. There is no consensus on the benefits of linking performance to pay and it has been used to suit individual conveniences. A comparison of the practices in the US a nd UK reveal certain differences. More of rent extraction practices can be found among the US firms where shareholders and investors have little knowledge of the firm’s operations. However, in the UK the shareholders are involved in ‘say to pay’ and the decisions are collaborative. ... ories on CEO compensation 5 2.4 CEO Pay history and current trends 7 2.5 Market Forces or Drivers of CEO compensation 9 2.6 Debates on the upward trend in CEO pay 11 2.7 CEO equity-based grants and firm performance 14 Chapter III Methodology 3.1 Chapter Overview 16 3.2 Research Phenomenon 16 3.3 Research Design 16 3.4 Research Methodology 16 3.5 Data Collection 17 3.6 Sources of Data 17 3.7 Data Analysis 18 3.8 Ethical Concerns 18 Chapter IV Findings and Discussions 4.1 Chapter Overview 19 4.2 Agency Theory versus Rent Extraction 19 4.3 Forms of Compensation 19 4.4 Say on Pay 22 4.5 Pay for Performance 23 4.6 Pay Disclosure 24 Chapter V Conclusion and Recommendations 5.1 Conclusion 27 5.2 Recommendation for improving CEO pay 28 5.3 Limitations 29 5.4 Areas for further research 30 References 31 Appendices 34 Chapter I Introduction 1.1 Background Executive pay or chief executive officer (CEO) has come under heavy scrutiny particularly following economic recession and financial turbulen ce. Demand for restricting or regulating CEO pay or the issue of â€Å"fat cats† (Lin, Kuo and Wang, 2013) comes in times of economic crisis (Dittman, Maug and Zhang, 2011). Blinder (2009) refers to the incentives built into the compensation plans of many financial firms as â€Å"perverse† and attributes the financial crises to these â€Å"perverse† incentives (cited in Lin, Kuo and Wang, 2012). CEO pay has received enormous attention not just from the academics but also from the press (Gao, Harford, and Li, 2012). Every other day media reports of the excessively generous pay packages although there are diverse opinions over the pay packages granted to the executives. These arguments suggest that there is little correlation between economic conditions and executive pay. The CEO pay was subject

Ethical and Legal Problems & Employee Benefits Assignment

Ethical and Legal Problems & Employee Benefits - Assignment Example Thus, protocol ethics are closely associated with equity-based recognition. In addition, employees have to make key decisions either as an employee or as a shareholder. Each of these levels requires different reasoning and responsibilities. Ethics related to loyalty towards the company comes into consideration. For instance, an employee may have knowledge of some sensitive information about the company. However, he is not expected to release such information to ordinary shareholders. Equity-based recognition plan also attract a number of legal issues. Worker, who upgrades their status into shareholders of the company, requires a new set of legislation to protect their interests. For instance, legal issues related to bankruptcy of the company are applicable in the recognition plan. Workers need to know their accountability to the company’s liabilities. Leaders should be aware of possible abuse of employee’s that might result from equity-based recognition. In order to prevent any form of abuse, leaders should ensure that company employees understand their responsibilities and rights both as company employees and as a shareholder. In addition, leaders should ensure that legislation and ethics associated with the plan are clearly stipulated in workers contracts. Retirement benefit authority is a scheme managed by the government to provide financial support to the elderly population. Although the government and other social welfare encourage organization to enroll their employees for retirement benefits, most of them do not provide the benefit. Retirement benefit scheme divide industries into two categories. The first category is for industries that provide the service to their employees while the second category consist industries that do not provide the service. There is also a significant inclination of certain

Wednesday, September 25, 2019

Management Accounting At Hospital Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 1500 words - 1

Management Accounting At Hospital - Essay Example For the laundry supervisor, there was 23 percent of individual contributors, professionals, first-level leaders, and mid-level executives somewhat or likely to leave within the next year. This study shows that employees in Chinese firms are likely to change their job quite often. This is because it is hard for them to stay in the Hospital for a long time. Moreover, studies done by Owens (2006) argue that finding and remaining high qualified laundry supervisors is the greatest problem in the Hospital. Therefore, turnover rates in the Hospital are quite high. This creates room for the prediction that turnover rates in the Hospital’s SMEs may be even higher than the results of this survey. This is because SMEs are more informal and unstable than MNCs. (Owens, 2006, p. 71). Hence, it is necessary to research the aspects that could influence turnover in SMEs. In Chinese manufacturing firms, voluntary employee turnover is becoming an expensive problem. The issue is even worse for SM Es (Owens, 2006, p. 101). If SMEs have the power to compete against the larger ones, working conditions for employees are poorer than larger companies, and poorer working environment would be an obstacle to remaining employees. The characteristics of employment relations in the Hospital’s SMEs are different from State Owned Enterprises (SOEs), Joint Ventures (JVs) or large private the Hospitals (Owens, 2006, p. 112). SMEs have limited resources, both compensation packages and career enlargement, which can be the key motive for high employee turnover rates in SMEs. However, SMEs could remain employees through other methods and do not depend only on compensation packages. According to the hierarchal of needs theory (Owens, 2006, p. 71), human beings have different levels of needs. There are basic levels which could be fulfilled by extrinsic rewards.

Tuesday, September 24, 2019

The web-based project Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 1000 words

The web-based project - Essay Example The web-based project is aimed to sell cookies for large target audience. A cookie is a bit of software stored in the computer of a user to a web site. The cookie allows the web-site to path the movements of the user on the operator's web site. The importance of this project is that the population that can be addressed by conventional physical sales and marketing is constrained by geography, that of the Internet is constrained by the number of people who both have access to it and make active use of it (these not necessarily being the same thing). Estimates of the number of people who use the Internet vary widely, although a consensus seems to be emerging that currently tens of millions of people do indeed use the Internet.A cookie is a bit of software stored in the computer of a user to a web site. The web page provides the cookie, and the user's web browser installs the cookie on the user's hard drive. The cookie allows the web-site to path the movements of the user on the operator 's web site. Another analogy is that the cookie "brands" another computer with profile information. Two of the most popular companies allowed cookies are Netscape and Microsoft (Kalakota et al 1999).The advantage of this product is that the cookie allows the web site operator to customize the web site for the visitor's convenience. What there is no disagreement about is the type of people who use the Internet. At the moment (and this will change as the user-base of the Internet expands), they are predominantly young, under the age of about 40, male and relatively wealthy. It should come as no surprise, therefore, that the pornography industry is one of the few industries that appears to have developed a successful business model for selling on the Internet. Another key aspect of the demographics of the Internet is that every one single person using it owns, or has access to a computer (Laurent, 1998). Users are likely, therefore, to have an above average interest in technology. Comp uter companies, both hardware and software, are, therefore, also extremely well represented on the Internet. The site will benefit e-business companies and help them to monitor actions and preferences of their visitors. Yet, privacy is a serious matter in this case. Cookies gather a lot of personal information about web site users. Some web pages demand a visitor to fill out a registration form before visiting the web site (Laurent, 1998). The web site has the right to store voluntarily provided information, implant the cookie in the user's computer, and access the information anytime the visitor revisits the web site. This practice can be either positive or negative, of course, depending on the use of the information. Another aspect to consider is whether receipt of the cookie was voluntary or unknowing. Audience The main target audience is e-business companies and websites. Once a company has succeeded in getting customers to visit website, it still has to get them to buy something. This is the area in which the Internet, with its interactivity and versatility, starts to win over traditional sales methods. The virtual nature of the Internet means that a company can use different methods for achieving sales - methods that cannot be applied effectively in a physical environment. Ironically, however, most websites fail to take advantage of these methods. In this case, cookies will allow to monitor visitor's preferences and analyze their tastes (Laurent, 1998). Cookies can also allow the web site operator to improve the web site by tracking what interests visitors. The Internet marketing community calls information gained from tracking web site user's movements "click stream data". Software from NetGravity, Inc., tags web site visitors with ID numbers. Its software permits a corporation to read information on the corporation's cookie, such as how many times the visitor has visited, what he or she clicked, and how long he or she has lingered. NetGravity also permits target advertising: A web server pulls the visitor's registration number, then sends details to AdServer, which will then choose the ad to present to the

Monday, September 23, 2019

The effects of U.S. recession on other countries economies Research Paper

The effects of U.S. recession on other countries economies - Research Paper Example Economy has affected other nations although it should be noted that the downturn in is a global phenomenon. At least superficially it is the case that the recession is affecting different nations for reasons other than changes in the U.S. economy specifically. Firstly it is the case that this economic downturn is a recent event relatively speaking. As a consequence, there are not many peer reviewed academic articles on the topic. Furthermore it may be the case that the full effect of this recession has not yet been felt and by extension there is a research gap for what is currently transpiring and future consequences. Secondly any information disseminated from the economic downturn can be beneficial for future potential economic downturns. As it is the case that any impact that the downturn may have on a specific economy may yield possible contingency plans. Why this information would be relevant to others is because any information gathered theoretically is of use to subjects as diverse as international commerce and policy, economics, developmental economics as well as sociology. The article first highlighted that the BRIC nations (Brasil, Russia, India and China) are the most likely candidates for a speedy economic recovery and by extension are poised to help push a global economic recovery whilst the more economically developed nations (Europe, North America and Japan) are expected to lag. How this relates specifically to the United States is that the article specifically sites that American corporations and consumers are presently tamping down the impact of the economic stimulus package by increased saving. What this translates to is an estimated overall shrinking of the American economy of 2.8% in 2009. As a negative consequence of this action it could be predicted that this emerging/developing market growth could theoretically push interest rates in developed economies which in turn would increase the price of oil. Furthermore, increased savings

Sunday, September 22, 2019

Future of democracy Essay Example for Free

Future of democracy Essay Illiberal democracy is a system of governance in which the citizens are kept in the dark about the conduct and activities of powerful officials in the government due to the absence of civil liberties. Despite the existence of democratic space in a country, the society becomes an â€Å"un-open† society. Such situations arise in cases where despite the existence of a democratic constitution that limits the powers of government, its liberties are not taken into consideration by the ruling class due to lack of strong constitutional legal framework. Illiberal democratic regimes feel that they have the right to act in whichever way they feel is best provided that regular elections are held. Such governments may impose rules which interfere with the individual liberties such as: the freedom of assembly and speech, making it difficult for opposition forces to succeed in criticizing it (Zakaria 2007). There is a wide range of illiberal democratic governments. They range from those dictatorial governments to those governments that are nearly democratic. An illiberal democracy regime can be determined through observing the nature in which the government carries its elections. If a government does not carry out regular, free, competitive and fair elections when filling its principle governance positions, then it can be classified as an illiberal democracy government according to the yearly freedom house ratings. Around the globe, democratically elected governments have gone beyond their limits and deprived their citizens their rights which are provided for in the constitution. Countries such as the Philippines and Peru are some of the countries with illiberal democratic governments. According to Zakaria (2008), democracy that has no constitutional liberalism produces centralized governments, eroded liberty, conflicts, war and ethnic competition. There are a wide range of implications of liberalism to the foreign policy. First, it is a guarantee for humility. Although it can be easier for elections to be imposed on a country, it will be difficult to impose constitutional liberalism to a society. Genuine democratization and liberalization is a process which is long-term and gradual in nature that an election acts as a step towards achieving its overall goal. Without the necessary precautions being taken, such an election can end up being a false step towards the process. This has prompted nongovernmental organizations together with various governments to put in place measures that are aimed at promoting constitutional liberalisms in countries which are in the process of becoming developed (Zakaria 2007). National democracy endowment fosters independent labor unions together with political parties and also ensures that there are free markets. Independent judiciaries are funded by the USA through the International Development Agency but in the end, elections trump virtually everything. On the other hand, if elections are not held in a transparent way that promotes democracy, the incident should not be viewed as dictatorship but instead it should be taken as a mistake that has been committed. Although fair elections form part of the virtues of effective governance, it should not be the only virtue that should be capitalized on. Other government yardsticks should be used in judging it. Such yardsticks include: civil, religious and economic liberties which form the basis of human dignity and autonomy. When a government extends these liberties to its people despite its limited democratic space, it cannot be categorized as a dictatorial government. Countries like Malaysia, Thailand and Singapore provide their citizens with a better life of happiness in spite of the limited political freedom. Countries such as China which have continued with repressive regimes offer their citizens more economic liberty and autonomy in their current forms than they have ever offered in their history. Despite the achievements that China has achieved for its citizens such as economic freedom, much still needs to be done to effect proper change towards full liberalizing democracy (Zakaria 2008, 200). Zakariah concludes with a recommendation that there is need for countries to change their system of governance through constitutionalism. He says that when there is too much dependency on pure democracy, it affects transitional countries such that they lack constitutions which can be considered imaginative. Constitutionalism is a system of governance in which there are checks and balances which are meant to prevent stagnation and abuse of power by officials in governments. This is achieved through drafting a list of rights for the citizens and ensuring that they are given to people by putting in place proper structures to ensure that they are not neglected by authorities. Various groups are also empowered to ensure that the officials observe the rule of law (Zakaria 2007). Just as an ambitious idea is made to counteract another ambitious idea, constitutions were made to cater for public passion and ensure effective governance. Despite its creation, most European countries at the moment have started looking at their constitutions suspiciously because of the wide range of rich unelected bodies that indirectly vote, do checks and balances and federal arrangements to both formal and informal constitution. Such procedures which do not advocate for direct democracy are considered to be inauthentic because they muzzle the people’s voices (Zakaria 2008, 200). It is therefore important for any country to use the type of governance that suits them but should at the same time put the interests of its citizens ahead of any other issue. Bibliography Zakaria, F. 2008. The post-American world. New York: W. W. Norton Co. Zakaria, F. 2007. The Future of Freedom: Illiberal Democracy at Home and Abroad. New York:

Saturday, September 21, 2019

Globalisation and Internationalisation

Globalisation and Internationalisation Introduction In most economic industries of the world Globalization and Internationalization has become very common. The dictionary meaning of Globalization taken from (Oxford Dictionaries, 2014) is the process by which businesses or other organizations develop international influence or start operating on an international scale and according to (Maringe Foskett, 2012) internationalization is an approach to designing products and services that are easily adaptable to different cultures and languages across national borders. When we look at the automotive industry, pharmacy industry, electronic industry or communication industry etc. we come to know that all business models operating within them are often really globalized or at least multi-national. This can be the reason that why these multi-national companies gain commanding importance in the entire world economy. Before we can know how well a business can operate in an economy, we need to know the place where it is operating and for this purpose this paper will consider Indonesia and Singapore from the ACEAN economic region. Indonesia Economy Indonesia is world’s 18th largest economy and has been remarkably growing after the Global Financial Crisis (GFC). The economy is well stable even after the GFC 2009 because of the prudent financial macroeconomic policy of the country. The country enjoys rising per capita GDP and low borrowing costs. However every country has some risks attached to business activity and they differ from one another country to country. (Forbes, 2013) Singapore’s economy Generally speaking about Singapore’s economy has earned a well good reputation. The strong growth and flexibility of free economy has earned the small country name â€Å"Asian Tiger†. The economy of Singapore provides transparent administration and an efficient infrastructure for any reliable business and investment to grow. Environmental Factors impacting Business If there is something that is changing and steadfast it is change itself. Change is inevitable and those business who tend not to follow up the change are likely to fail or in terms of not having a long term survivability. There many events, scenarios or situations that occur and affect the way in which a business operates in a positive way or either negative way. Such things are called the driving forces or environmental factors. Types of Environmental Factors Internal: Some change occur within the business and impact it directly such changes include machinery and equipment, technological capacity, management systems, culture of organization, financial or employee management or staff moral etc. External: Events or changes occurring outside the company and are usually not under the control of the company some of these include industry itself, the economy of the particular country in which it operates, demographics, competition, political interference. Whatever are the causes whether they are external or internal the thing is change will occur and a company must be flexible and have a willing attitude to respond to them in an appropriate way. There are number of environmental or driving forces such as: Social Political Financial Product Quality Distribution Channels Leadership Employees Economy of the country Structural Changes Policies and Procedures For the sake of clarity we take Political factor of the above two companies and see how this factor is impacting on any business that operates in these economies Analysis of Political Factor on Business For the purpose of starting a new business and entrepreneurs needs almost more than 4 months to complete the necessary paperwork as compared to Singapore which is less than 15 days. The Government of Indonesia and it policies for new foreign investments is not openly welcomed because of the ironclad rule of President Suharto which created dissent slowly and steadily within the system while Singapore welcomes any direct foreign investment that help the local cause making it more politically stable for business then Indonesia. (Doing Business, 2013) The factor of red tapes reported by the World Bank study shows that due to low salaries at political and law level it create more chances for the officials to take bribe at every legal business transaction which further hampers the business not to take part fully in the economy. (Engel, 2012) The setup of Bank Restructuring Agency or IBRA by the Indonesian Government was a step ahead in the crisis to recapitalization or closure of insolvent banks and management of corporate indebtedness which makes a profitable availability of consumer credit. This led to increased business activity as more credit is available for doing business. But later the bank also could not maintain its growth since its inception due to fluctuations in the economy and policies that govern it. (New York Times, 2003) According to Political and Economic Risk Consultancy, PERC, Singapore enjoys the least risks involved in the political sector of the country which makes to do business of any kind more encourage able. The political stability of the Singapore makes it a vital place to do investment and business. (Singapore Economic Development Board, 2013) The Government and political status of both the concern countries are verily different meaning there is corruption and instability in Indonesia for doing business and Singapore is ranked 3rd in Asia in transparency. Political factor impact the operation of the business directly meaning if you are easily well aware of the legal and political laws for doing business in the country the business will grow otherwise investments tend to low and organization interest fade away to do business in that particular country. Works Cited Doing Business, 2013. starting a Business in indonesia. [Online] Available at: [Accessed 24 September 2014]. Engel, S., 2012. The World Bank and the post-Washington Consensus in Vietnam and Indonesia: Inheritance of Loss. 2nd ed. New York: Routledge. Forbes, 2013. Indonesia. [Online] Available at: [Accessed 24 September 2014]. Maringe, F. Foskett, N., 2012. Globalization and Internationalization in Higher Education: Theoretical, Strategic and Management Perspectives. New York: AC Black. New York Times, 2003. Indonesian Bank Agency Fading Out. [Online] Available at: [Accessed 24 September 2014]. Oxford Dictionaries, 2014. Definition of globalization in English. [Online] Available at: [Accessed 24 September 2014]. Singapore Economic Development Board, 2013. FACTS AND RANKINGS. [Online] Available at: [Accessed 24 September 2014].

Friday, September 20, 2019

Society in The Handmaid’s Tale by Margaret Atwood Essay -- Handmaids

â€Å"Atwood’s feminism is an integral part of her critical approach, just as her concept of criticism is inseparable from her creative work† Walter Pache (1). A dystopia is a fictional society, usually existing in a future time period, in which the condition of life is extremely difficult due to deprivation, oppression or terror. In most dystopian fiction, a corrupt government creates or sustains the poor quality of life, often conditioning the masses to believe the society is proper and just, even perfect. Most dystopian fiction takes place in the future but purposely incorporates contemporary social trends taken to horrendous extremes. The novel, ‘The Handmaid’s Tale’, by Margaret Atwood focuses on the choices made by those controlling the society of Gilead in which increasing the population and preservation of mankind is the main objective, instead of freedom or happiness. The society has undergone many physical changes that have extreme psychological consequences. I believe Atwood sees Gilead as the result of attitudes and events in the early 1980s, which have spiralled out of control. ‘The Handmaid’s Tale’ reflects Atwood’s views and critiques on civilisation. In an interview with Gabriele Metzler Atwood says, â€Å"There is nothing in the book that hasn’t already happened. All things described in the book people have already done to each other†(2). Throughout ‘The Handmaid’s Tale’ Offred is constantly conscious of her life before Gilead. This is reflected in the sections of the book headed â€Å"Night†. Offred often refers back to her life with her daughter and Luke, â€Å"Luke was in the living room. He put his arms around me. We were both feeling miserable. How were we to know we were happy, even then? Becaus... ...e extreme, she managed to visualise a dystopian world, which suppressed people’s freedom of choice. â€Å"Atwood is known as an outspoken defender of humanitarian values, an able and active advocate for woman’s rights and for freedom of speech† Nathalie Cooke (6). Therefore I do believe that Atwood’s novel ‘The Handmaid’s Tale’ offers a very strong critique of American society in the 1980s. Bibliography (1) Walter Pache: â€Å"A Certain Frivolity†: Margaret Atwood’s Literary Criticism (2) Gabriele Metzler: â€Å"Creativity†: An Interview with Margaret Atwood (3) Bernard Richards: Margaret Atwood (4) Gabriele Metzler: â€Å"Creativity†: An Interview with Margaret Atwood (5) Lorna Irvine: â€Å"Recycling Culture: Kitsch, Camp and Trash†: Margaret Atwood’s Fiction (6) Nathalie Cooke: â€Å"Lions, Tigers and Pussycats†: Margaret Atwood (Auto) Biographically

Thursday, September 19, 2019

Becoming A Better Nation :: social issues

Becoming A Better Nation As an American citizen, it would be easy to say we should encourage both unity and diversity, but, in truth, it is almost impossible to implement such a great idea. Our nation would be a utopian society if we could implement both global or nation-wide unity while keeping our citizen’s diverse. Unfortunately, it’s an oxymoron – like saying we’re all alone together. Part II: The Dream Answer A. Utopia We could always take each individual aside from all they knew and brainwash them into believing that everyone was created equal, allow 10 year olds to vote just the same as 90 year olds and 45 year olds, and create family units of â€Å"brothers† and â€Å"sisters† who are of all different ethnicities. Then our nation would have both unity and diversity!! We could erase all those years of slavery, deception, and racism by never thinking of it again! Wow. Wouldn’t that be lovely? Unfortunately, we don’t live in dreams. You see, even if we were able to rob citizens of their United States’ freedoms and brainwash them, still our nation would have our racists, and we’d lack both unity and diversity coexisting as one. Racism is the reason we cannot have diversity and unity. Now this is because of the meaning of this word â€Å"racism.† Part III: Racism A. Opinions Now, let’s think of this logically: What is racism? Now when we want to find this out, duh, we go to the dictionary – and what more famous than our trusty (and dusty, in my case) â€Å"Webster’s Dictionary†? â€Å"Rac  · ism (rà ¢  ´ siz  ´ em) n. †¦ 2 Any program or practice of racial discrimination, segregation, etc. based on such beliefs – rac  ´ ist n., adj.† The main word in this definition is the word â€Å"beliefs.† A belief is not based on a fact; it’s based on a personal opinion. How can you make everyone not have personal opinions? By brainwashing them? Racism never ends. Therein lies our problem with full unity. Part III: Racism B. Expression(s) We all look different, but how do we feel different? By expressing ourselves. Some people are racist; some people are creative. Everyone has their own way of being themselves – and this is what makes the world diverse. No one is exactly like his or her best friend, neighbor, spouse, or even one of his or her parental units.

Wednesday, September 18, 2019

My Generation Essay -- essays research papers

My Generation   Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Every group receives a name, whether it is a club or organization, plants, animals or people. No matter what it is, it will receive a label so that it can be referred to easily. For instance, those born between the years 1977 and 1997 were given the title of the â€Å"Digital Generation.† This label was attained because of the widespread technology that is available to them from birth. The â€Å"Digital Generation† is not only about the Internet and technology, but is also about high values, a strong belief in self-expression and spirituality.   Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  The values of past generations have been very self-centered. Yet â€Å"Generation D†, as it is called, believes in equal rights for all and a strong connection with family and friends. Yet they are so materialistic that the older generations see them as â€Å"floozies with credit cards.† This is one of the reasons why there are so many equal rights activists today. Never before has there been such a range of reasons to stand up for ones right. For instance, there are so many organizations to stop violence against people; race, creed, sexuality, gender, nationality, etc., are irrelevant. Today’s youth is acquainted with many different people, but they only share close connections with a select few. A person of this generation will know many people and be friendly with them, however the personally association is only present with the people that have been known for an extended period...

Tuesday, September 17, 2019

Of Mice And Men Pee On Crooks Essay

P: Crooks is the one on the ranch who is by himself and is unable to mix in with the others at all because of his colour. E: This is proven through the phrase , Crooks, on a black man’s loneliness: â€Å"S’pose you didn’t have nobody. S’pose you couldn’t go into the bunk house and play rummy ’cause you was black. How’d you like that? S’pose you had to sit out here an’ read books. A: Through the repetition of the conjunction â€Å"s’pose,† a lexical field of isolation is created which further emphasises the sheer hardship he faces being the only black man, which simultaneously provokes the reader to feel empathetic towards him. Another reason that the reader will feel empathetic towards Crooks at this point is because of the fact that he his openly confiding in Lennie which gives the impression that he isn’t able to do this on a normal basis. P: Crooks is aware that not only is his weakness his crooked spine but also his colour. E: â€Å"This is just a nigger talkin’, an’ a busted-back nigger. So it don’t mean nothing, see?† A: The use of alliteration with â€Å"busted-back† suggests how Crooks is emphasizing the fact that he is not only black but is also significantly weak compared to the others because of his back. Through this the double marginalism Crooks faces is emphasised which creates sympathy towards him. This further gives the impression that he is almost purposely trying to devalue himself which implies how he is vulnerable and is almost trying to use this as a privilege as the weak are not listened to and taken account of. P: Even though Crooks is the only Negro at the ranch, Steinbeck displays him as an extremely independent worker. E: This is evident from, â€Å"This room was swept and fairly neat, for Crooks was a proud aloof man. He kept his distance and demanded that others kept theirs. A: From the description of his room which Crooks insists on keeping neat implies that fact that even though he has been degraded to the levels of animals because of his colour, he has come to the realisation that he does not need to live like one. This displays that dignity is an important matter to him. Also the use of the verb â€Å"demanded† suggests that Crooks is determined to have a say in which he talks to if that’s the only thing he can do. This emphasises the fact that he purposely isolates himself, as he is a victim of prejudice. P: Steinbeck deeply describes Crooks facial features, which provide us an insight to Crooks emotions and experiences. E: For example, â€Å"his eyes†¦.. because of their depth seemed to glitter with intensity†¦ he had pain-tightened lips†¦Ã¢â‚¬  implies this. A: The use of the metaphor, â€Å"glitter with intensity† implies that Crooks has many hidden emotions yet he is unable to share them with anyone, as he is not close to anyone due to his colour. Also the use of the pre-modifier, â€Å"pain tightened lips† suggests that Crooks has almost represses his emotions and painful experiences away inside him, as he is unable to find someone to confide in. P: Many other people use his colour as an excuse to overpower him. E: For example Curley’s wife says, â€Å"I can have you canned for this,† A: The fact that Crooks immediately pipes down tells us that even Curley’s wife can use her status as a white woman to get her own way despite it her in the wrong of being in Crooks room. This displays the predatory nature of human existence displayed through all the character on the ranch. P: Crooks lack of dominance in the ranch life is clearly evident through his  description and personality. E: ‘The door opened quietly†¦ a lean negro head, lined with pain, the eye patient’ (Pg. 77) A: As he ‘opened quietly’, can be symbolic of his natural quiet life, which shows that he is in an isolated world with no dreams. The explicit commentary of crooks ‘head’ being black as shown by the word ‘negro’, expresses that being a black person means that you are powerless and segregated in the ranch life. ‘Eye patient’, confirms to the audience that Crooks is awaiting for recognition, and as he is ‘lean’, could possibly mean that he is looking up at the ranch workers as he has no authority over them. P: Crooks craves for some human contact vastly through uttering his feelings. E: ‘a guy goes nuts if he ain’t got nobody†¦books ain’t no good†¦guy gets too lonely an’ sick’ A: Use of hyperbole, ‘nuts’ stresses Crooks abhorrence of his seclusion and that being socially excluded has made him change negatively, by being ‘sick’. The adverbial quantifier intensifier points out that his need for social interaction is literally killing him. Through the use of the words, ‘nuts†¦lonely†¦sick’, creates a semantic field of dehumanisation, as Crooks has no typical lifestyle or feelings in association to the other workers in the ranch. A lexical field of knowledge is made due to the repetition of ‘books’, showing that ‘books’ is his only source of entertainment to fulfil his need to mingle with others in society. P: Crooks despondent state makes him urge to take advantage of the weakest in the ranch, Lennie. E: ‘S’pose George don’t come back no more’ A: Crooks, plays with Lennie’s mind, to torment him, which was deliberately done to make Crook feel better as he doesn’t feel remorseful for himself no  more (schadenfreude). He treats Lennie in this manner, by eradicating the thought of George returning which is significant to Lennie, as they are fraternal bonds. P: Crooks poor physical and emotional injuries are displayed when he is described. E: ‘Pain-tightened lips†¦face lined with pain’ A: Here a semantic field of agony is evident through the words ‘pain†¦ tightened†¦pain’, which suggests that Crooks ranch life underprivileged and too challenging for someone of his figure. The use of pre-modifier ‘pain-tightened’, illustrates the depth of ache within crook, which makes him unable to speak up for himself, due to having no greater dominance in contrast to other ranch workers including Curley’s wife.

Monday, September 16, 2019

Promote children wellbeing and safety Essay

The safety and welfare of the children is very important in every se? ng as indicated in sec? on 3 of the statutory framework for the early year’s founda? on stage 2014. All providers must meet the necessary requirements to make sure the children are kept safe and well. In my se? ng we have three rooms which are the baby room, toddler room and pre-school. As I work in the toddler room I care for children age ranging between 16 months to 27months old. The children to sta) ra? o is very important as this ensures that the children’s needs and  safety is met. If the children are under two years old then we have a sta) ra? o of 1 adult to 3 children and if the children are over 2 years old then we have a sta) ra? o of 1 adult to 4 children. The toddler room can hold up to 27 children with 9 members of sta) ranging from a room leader, senior nursery nurse, level 2 and 3 quali+ed and some sta) who are unquali+ed but working towards their quali+ca? on. All sta) members are CRB checked to make sure that the children are safe hands.

Sunday, September 15, 2019

Early Civilizations Matrix Essay

Affirmative Action The purpose of this paper is to review the subject of affirmative action, and the policies that go along with it. The paper will be recommending to a board of directors that their business implement affirmative action policies. This argument will be supported by points and facts that are in favor of the implementation. It will also fairly discuss points against the implementation of affirmative action. The paper will cover points about how affirmative action policies relate to compliance with the equal opportunity laws. Before getting to far ahead, it is important to make sure that there is a valid understanding of what affirmative action actually is, and what its policies stand for. What is affirmative action? Affirmative action means that steps are taken to help increase the representation of women, and other minorities in areas like education, employment, and business. These are all areas from which they have typically and historically been excluded. It is when these steps involve preferential treatment or selection based on gender, race, and ethnicity then the concept of affirmative action becomes controversial (Affirmative Action, 2001). History of affirmative action In 1961, then President John F. Kennedy issued executive order 10925 against American Lexicon. The order gave the first mention of affirmative action.  The purpose of the order was to end discrimination within the business (Nittle, n.d.). Next, three years later in 1964, The Civil Right Act came out. The goal of the Civil Right Act of 1964 was to stop employment and public accommodations discrimination (Nittle, n.d.). Following the Civil Right Act of 1964, President Lyndon Johnson, who took office after the assassination of John F. Kennedy, issued executive order 11246. This order required federal contractors to practice affirmative action, to help develop diversity within the workplace and help end race based discrimination, and other forms of discrimination (Nittle, n.d.). Before these amendments were signed into action, you had other key events that took place as well. For example, the case of Brown v Board of Education. This case was about an African American girl who wanted to attend a white public school, and was denied admittance. This case helped overturn a prior case Plessy v Ferguson. Plessy v Ferguson stated that a separate but equal America was constitutional (Nittle, n.d.). Brown v Board overturned that case by ruling that discrimination is a key aspect of racial segregation. Which meant that it violated the 14th Amendment (Nittle, n.d.). This decision started the countries goal to promote diversity in schools and various other places (Nittle, n.d.). This was a very important legal, as well as ethical case. It helped kick start the changes to people’s thought processes. Why affirmative action? Now that a bit of history on affirmative action has been covered, it is important to look at why affirmative action policies should be put into action at your company. Affirmative action would be very beneficial to your company for many reasons. It allows for a more diversified workplace, it is a way to allow all races to have equal rights, it shows that everyone has the ability to be great at their job, that people can be more productive by sharing various thoughts, plans, and ideas for the betterment of not only the company, but themselves as well, regardless of their gender, race, or ethnicity. This company should hire people based on things like their level of experience and skill, and whether they have the aspects necessary for that  position. The hiring process should not be based on the person’s racial or ethnic background, or whether they are a male or a female. People should be comfortable enough that when they apply for a position within your company they do not worry about whether or not they are being discriminated against. All that should matter is that they have the skills necessary to do the job to the best of their ability. Not whether or not they are the proper gender or if they are the right ethnicity. If someone applies for a job at your company, and they feel they may have been discriminated against, and then they ask you about it, if you dont give them a reasonable response or answer them correctly it can cause problems for the company. Whether it be through long bitter court battles, or just the company gains a bad name for even potentially being prejudiced or biased. Employment discrimination against women and minorities is something that has gone on for a very long time. Government reports show that the pay, as well as job opportunities for minorities is smaller than that of white or Caucasian ethnicity ( Bohlander & Snell, 2007). If your company implements affirmative action, it can be beneficial from the outside and inside as well. One thing that needs to be done to begin the action, is to develop a plan. Your company needs to have a written statement showing commitment to the idea of affirmative action. You should look at where the company stands in terms of women and minorities that you have employed. By doing so, it will allow for you to see where changes, if any, need to be made. Once you see where the improvements and changes are, you need to take the right steps to make sure these changes are made. While making these changes, you have to make sure that no other race or gender within your employee base was mistreated, or undervalued in any way due to the affirmative action plan. Equal employment opportunity law According to the Equal Employment Opportunity Law, all businesses have an obligation to uphold. They are not to judge a potential employee based on ones race, gender, age, etc. This is a very important aspect of affirmative action. You have to make sure that your company understands and follows the  policy ( Bohlander & Snell, 2007). The court system is always interpreting the employment law. If changes are made, then it is the manager of your company’s responsibility to change the company’s employment guidelines to follow the court ruling (Bohlander & Snell, 2007). To help make sure that business do comply with the changes, and anti discrimination laws, the Equal Employment Opportunities Council was established to monitor that the guidelines are being followed (Bohlander & Snell, 2007). Benefits of affirmative action There are many benefits for your company to implementing an affirmative action plan. The employee’s themselves will benefit for instance, because minorities that are employed within your company have the chance to advance up the career ladder, and gain opportunities for promotions that they may not have had a chance of getting before. Your company shouldn’t be made up of one race, one ethnicity, or one gender because you think that one is better than the other. If a person has or gets a job, it should be due to their qualifications and abilities to do the job correctly. Not based on race or gender. The downfalls of affirmative action With almost any argument in favor of something, you are going to have opinions refuting the ideas. Some believe that affirmative action leads to reverse discrimination. That instead of being hired for their qualifications and skill, that they are hired based on religion, race, gender, etc. Opponents feel that it can make people turn against one another. Preventing the downfalls of affirmative action The cons of affirmative action can be avoided as long as your company takes the proper steps. The company needs to look for the best people for the unfilled positions, and do the proper training if needed. To help prevent your employees from feeling as if the only reason they got the job with your company was due to their gender or race, make sure that you let them know they were hired because they had the needed experience or qualifications and therefore they were the best match. It is important to make sure that your company sticks to the plan that was laid out in the beginning, to the affirmative action plan that was developed. You watch over all of your employees, and not just those who are impacted more by the plan, the work environment at your company should stay sustainable and comfortable for all employees. Conclusion Affirmative action would be a great idea for your company. The purpose of this presentation was to show both the pro’s and the con’s of implementing affirmative action within your company, which is hopefully what was done. The main thing to remember here is that the benefits to implementing affirmative action, strongly outweigh the pitfalls. Also, the opposition to the plan can be avoided by following your action plan, and the steps provided for avoidance of those downfalls. It is hoped that you will choose to use the affirmative action policy within your company, as it is something that will most definitely help and payoff in your company’s future. References: Bohlander, G. W., & Snell, S. A., (2007). Managing human resources (14th ed.). Florence, KY: Thomson Learning Higher Education. Nittle, N.K. (n.d.). Key events in affirmative action history. Retrieved from Affirmative action. (2001). Retrieved from

Saturday, September 14, 2019

Barbie Doll:Represent What A perfect American Woman Is

Jennifer Perez ENC 1102 Research Paper Marge Piercy ever herd this name before? Well if you have, did you know she was the founder of Leap track Press? Marge Piercy is very well known as an American poet, novelist and social activist. Many of he founded work has been graded as best-selling. Piercy has a goal to have her feminist voice be herd by society. She shares her opinions threw the characters she makes in her writing and poetry. Piercy wrote the poem Barbie Doll, and in this poem she states woman do not need to fit into society’s point of view of what a woman should look and act like.Piercy has a fascinating history and high valued awards, but what was Piercy’s message to her audience when Barbie Doll was published in 1973. Piercy was born on March 31, 1936 in Detroit, Michigan into a family that was greatly affected by the great depression. As a child Piercy lived in a segregated neighborhood. Piercy has a half-brother from her mother’s side who is fourtee n years older than her. She was raised in the Jewish religion by her grandmother and her mother. Till this day Piercy still remains a Jew.Piercy attended a public school in Detroit and half way through grade school she became sick with the German measles and rheumatic fever. When she got ill Piercy was disabled from doing what all of the other kids were doing as a result she built an unconditional love towards the world of literature. Piercy attended the University of Michigan and was the first in her family to attend college. At seventeen, Piercy won a Hopwood award for poetry and fiction. The scholarship money that she had won because of the award enabled her to finish college.She enjoyed the college style of life but found it very difficult to find her comfort zone because of all of the political decisions government had made for woman. Her schooling finished with an M. A from Northwestern University. After her first marriage Piercy lived in Chicago. She proceeded in writing and tried her best to develop poetry and fiction she was not yet able to produce. As a woman society had a horrible out-look on her. Piercy was a twenty three divorce woman living pay check to pay check on multiple part time jobs. She became and activist for the civil rights movement. She wanted woman to be valued not minimized.Piercy’s early work was omitted because of her feminist viewpoints. In 1982 Piercy married Ira Wood. As soon as her marriage was finalized the couple moved to Cape Cod. Wood and Piercy are both a part of the same work field. Wood is an author, teacher, a former publisher, and the host of a weekly radio talk show called â€Å"The Lowdown. † The due wrote a play titled â€Å"The Last White Class† and a novel called â€Å"Storm Tide. † In 1997 they founded a small literary publishing company called Leapfrog Press. Piercy and Wood have a very intimate and loving relationship, till this day the couple is still living in Cape Cod.Piercy neve r considered herself to fit into the image of what a woman was supposed to be like in the 1950’s. Piercy published her first novel called â€Å"Going Down Fast† in 1969. It was very difficult for Piercy to publish her first book because many did not agree with her feminist viewpoints. Piercy is the author of seventeen novels including four of New York Times best sellers and eighteen volumes of poetry. Piercy has played major roles in progressive political battles of our time. She was in activist in the anti-Vietnam war and the woman’s movement, and most recently an active participant in the resistance to the War in Iraq.Her novels â€Å"Woman on the Edge of Time† and â€Å"He, She and It† have great political commitment and imaginative power. With the Baby Boom era in play woman were becoming wives and mothers rapidly. During the Mid fifty’s thou 35 percent of all woman were working and a quarter of them married. Piercy was divorced, unsucce ssful, and had multiple part time jobs at a young age. She worked as a secretary, a switchboard operator, a clerk in a department store, an artist model, and a faculty instructor.Consequently society looked down upon her and fell into the 35 percent of working woman. Piercy’s poem â€Å"Barbie Doll appears in her collection, â€Å"To Be of Us,† published in 1973. Piercy fundamentally states how humanity classifies woman for their stereotypical demeanor. Piercy uses a Barbie Doll to represent what a perfect American woman should appear as. The Poem begins with a normal young â€Å"girlchild† who plays with dolls, miniature kitchen items and pretend make-up. The poem takes an unsuspicious turn when the young girl was criticized by an outsider.He or she claimed she had to â€Å"exercise, diet, smile and wheedle† (page 647 line 14). The poem continues and there is a visual moment of her lying in a casket without her nose and legs â€Å"So she cut off her no se and her legs and offered them up†(page 647 line 17-18). Piercy uses the young child’s image as a representation of a Barbie Doll. The young child shows description that challenges were being faced by women of all ages who do not feel as if they do not fit society standards of being a woman. Despite of how sorrowful she felt the truth is she was healthy, happy, intelligent, and beautiful.

Friday, September 13, 2019

White paper Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 1250 words

White paper - Essay Example The worth and value of stakeholders was not too high, before 21st century. However, it should be noted that stakeholders was a known terminology in legal concept, since long. The origin of the concept of stakeholders, in business or management field, had initially come into existence in 1963. At that time, the terminology of stakeholders appeared in the international memorandum of Stanford Research Institute. Stakeholders, then, were defined as â€Å"those guys without whose support the organization would cease to exist† (Friedman & Miles, 2006). In the 19th century, the concept of stakeholders referred to the respective owners of business organizations, who had invested money in it as well as possessed full power to enjoy all upcoming benefits of the organization. The author named Freeman had first emphasized on the importance of the term, â€Å"stakeholders†, in 1984, in his book, Strategic Management Stakeholders Approach. Long before 21st century, the business corpo rations were assumed to be artificial legal entities and the value of the so-called stakeholders, like, customers, suppliers, shareholders, government and employees, were assumed to be neutral. Thus, in that particular period, stakeholders of an organization were referred to as only those individuals in the market who could provide economic support to the corporation’s activities. Prior to 21st century, it was found that business corporations used to give importance and value to only those individuals who could support the concerned firm with some financial support. At that point of time, the owners of organizations were considered to be extensively powerful. According to the views of Lord Edward Coke, â€Å"corporations cannot commit treason, nor be outlawed nor excommunicated, for they have no souls† (Friedman & Miles, 2006). The interactions of stakeholders with the soulless organizations were extensively poor in the period before 21st century. The firms almost did not react or

Thursday, September 12, 2019

The Emergency Evacuation and Quarantine Program Assignment

The Emergency Evacuation and Quarantine Program - Assignment Example Additionally, the CDC with the implementation of the programs has planned to reduce the prevalence of chronic diseases and challenges associated with them. In this respect, it can be comprehended based on the evaluation that the CDC with the assistance of the programs will be facilitated in providing better health security. Â  The Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC) is the national public health institute, which operates in the United States of America (US). The organization was founded in the year 1946 with the aim of developing a better healthy society. Over the last sixty years, the organization has contributed an enormous amount of effort to cure various catastrophic issues. In order to attain the objectives, the organization has performed its operations with the help of the political council, government, business enterprises and non-governmental organizations in the US. The primary goals and objectives of the CDC are to improve the health of the people of the US through preventing as well as controlling the threats of catastrophic issues. Apart from this, the secondary objective is to improve the health measures through promoting health education activities (Centers for Disease Control and Prevention, n.d.). Â  The objective of the quarantine program of the CDC has been to eliminate the ill effects disaster. Thus, the CDC has targeted to improve the impact and the effectiveness of its emergency disaster operations along with preventing the non-communicable diseases in the US and certain other nations. Additionally, the CDC’s intention is to reduce the spread of infectious diseases for better protection of public health as well as safety. At the same time, the CDC has planned to assist other nations along with international agencies with different health measures to minimize the effects of the non-communicable diseases with the assistance of disease prevention and control programs for better health security.

Wednesday, September 11, 2019

Statistics Assignment Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 500 words - 2

Statistics - Assignment Example of industrial explosion and were under age 40 at the time of accident had heightened concentrations of dioxin in their blood and that each tenfold increase in dioxin level was associated with a doubling of the risk of breast cancer. a) In any experiments, it is required to select sample randomly. If the subjects were not assigned to the diets randomly instead of letting people pick what they wanted to eat, than there may be possibility of adding another factor (in this case subject’s choice) introduced to the experiments. Thus, it will be difficult to say which factor influenced blood pressure more effectively, subject’s choice what they wanted to eat or diet type. Randomization allows us to equalize the effects of unknown or uncontrollable sources of variation. It does not eliminate the effects of these sources, but it spreads them out across the treatment levels so that we can see past them. c) The researchers need the control group because than they will be able to compare the blood pressure of groups based on different diet only. If the DASH diet group’s mean blood pressure was lower at the end of the experiment than at the beginning that would only mean that DASH diet lowered the blood pressure. This will not mean how much effective DASH diet is compared to other diets. Further, in an experiment it is required to control sources of variation other than the factors we are testing by making conditions as similar as possible for all treatment groups. d) We would need additional information standard error of difference (or sample standard deviations and sizes for DASH diet group and control group) in order to decide whether an average reduction in blood pressure of 6.7 points was statistically

Tuesday, September 10, 2019

Question Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 250 words - 2

Question - Essay Example Naturalistic observation does not require active involvement with the environment from which the data is being collected from; the latter does. The second choice is the period of observation. The observation can be carried out once or repeated for a number of times. The third choice pertains to data recording method. The data can be recorded or notes short notes taken as the data is gathered. Observation can also be done and the data computed after the observation process. The fourth choice relates to the scope of observation. The observation can be done on a single environment that best treats the variables of the data being gathered, or a number of environments can be integrated into the observation process. Another choice is made on the variables to be observed at a go. Observation can be done at once for all the variables constituted in the data gathering procedure, or observation data for each variable be considered one at a time. The scale contains numerical values, but the importance of the scale is to gather data that is of importance over and above the numerical values. Descriptions of what the numbers mean are valuable to the respondent because it allows the respondent to express his or her true opinion in regard to the issue in question. Different respondents have different experiences and may not rate their experiences the same way. Outlining the meaning of the numbers identifies the respondent to each category of numbers given the response required. Purpose of the interview- The goal and objective of undertaking an interview determines the scope of the interview. All encompassed variables of the interview should be considered before the interview questions are developed. Phrasing questions- Questions should be direct to the main idea of the interview. Proper language should be used in regard to the identified participants. Simple questions are favorable, and each question should be asked

Marketing strategy Research Paper Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 3000 words

Marketing strategy - Research Paper Example etting out a working marketing strategy which mainly focuses on customer satisfaction and customer awareness by selling, expanding or creating a new market line, branding, building awareness of new products and services and customer appreciation campaign. By focusing on the marketing strategies, the company will have created an elaborate distribution plan that enhances customer relations thus creating a competitive advantage over their competitors and an opportunity to investigate the competitor’s capabilities by assessing their reactions to their marketing strategy by differentiating itself. The main goals of this research are to study and assess the impact of Wal-Mart’s marketing strategies on the market shares of the USA as a leading retailer and to investigate the main role marketing strategies play in the enhancement and growth of Wal-Mart and how their strategies have aided them in staying different from its competitors. Wal-Mart is currently the largest retail store chain in the world and its profit margins have been increasing yearly thus enabling it to remain the most profitable retail store in the United States. Wal-Mart was founded in the late 1940s by Walton and has been dealing with all major products which are categorized into fourteen general categories, that is music and books, apparel and jewelry, electronics, furniture and home dà ©cor, outdoor living, groceries, health and beauty, movie, photo, medicines, baby care, sports and fitness, toys and video games. The retail store has received reputable fame due to its marketing strategies and profit gains over the years making it the most researched on retail store worldwide. This research is beneficial in the analysis of marketing strategies that Wal-Mart uses to remain atop the retail market as it demonstrated the benefits of marketing strategies in aiding companies reach their objectives. In today’s market, customers are increasingly demanding for satisfaction in terms of what they want,

Monday, September 9, 2019

Evaluation Analysis Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 1000 words

Evaluation Analysis - Essay Example Although the movie itself is very simple, the message hidden within the movie is quite deep and intricate (Brown). Every romantic movie needs to have two characters that are deeply in love with each other. They need to have a deep rooted passion and affection for each other. This movie ‘Two can play this game’ fulfills the criteria of being called a romantic comedy because of the chemistry, emotional connection and love that the main characters Shante and Keith hold for each other. Usually in romantic movies, the characters face some obstacles in order to get to their loved one and in this movie also, the characters do face a few difficulties which make the plot more interesting. The name of this movie ‘Two can play this game’ suggests that generally more players are needed for arousing an interest in a game. However, there is a game which only two people can play. And that game is called love. In love, there is no involvement required of other people what so ever. Infact, the involvement of more people actually destroys the game. It inhibits the two lovers from noticing the inherent chemistry between the two of them as was the case with Shante and Keith who are the hero and heroine of the movie. In this way, the movie also builds up the curiosity of the audience as to the nature of that game. The flow of the movie keeps the audience hooked up and provides bouts of humor at intervals. The movie opens with the heroine wearing yellow and a refreshing music playing in the background. She is shown driving her impeccable red convertible and people of the other gender have to hold back emotions because she is so sexy. She does not pay attention to any of them as she continues with her daily schedule. The first scene is dedicated completely to giving credits and providing context to the whole movie. She is shown driving down the city, enjoying the pleasant weather and the environment around her. There is no introduction given

Sunday, September 8, 2019

Contingency plan for sailing yachts charter Essay - 1

Contingency plan for sailing yachts charter - Essay Example In preparing in advance, we can also build a safety network, plans of action & response, and gather the equipment required to implement our communication needs for rescue. In risk management, we need to prepare for all contingencies, and as a company we have to insure our staff, customers, and organization against any accidents that may occur during operations and liabilities that may arise from operations. For the purpose of this document, â€Å"Contingency† refers to our preparation in advance for safety responses that may arise in course of operations, â€Å"Plan† means the actions we will organize before, during, and after to address the safety problems, and â€Å"Emergency Situation† is any which puts our customers, staff, or others in the water in danger of physical safety, health, or injury. â€Å"Rescue operations† refer to any situation where company staff or third party organizations are required to travel to a site to assist during a safety problem. â€Å"Communications† refers to not only the content but also the means in which we will transmit messages between offices, people, and other groups during an emergency situation. For purposes of contingency, we recognize responsibilities to emergencies and safety problems arising from: air, water, fire, mechanical problems, weather, interpersonal, health, geographical, and geopolitical risks primarily to operations. In each instance of risk, we plan to have prior tactics and responses prepared in advance to address each contingency with the tools, personnel, and social assistance to manage. Because of the nature of maritime events, and the various contingencies that require multiple forms of backup communication, we have decided to develop a three-tiered communication network for emergency management that provides for all contingencies, even when one device may be broken, out of communication, or in possession by a member injured in an accident. For this we identify three types

Saturday, September 7, 2019

Study of Fans Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 2750 words

Study of Fans - Essay Example Similar fan frenzy was visible when the latest book of Harry Potter series, 'The Tales of Beedle the Bard' was launched in the first week of December 2008. What is quite amazing is, this fan frenzy is not limited to just one country or one region, but it crosses all boundaries from Europe to Asia. Angela Cerda, a resident of Temecula, Southwest California, was in seventh grade when she first started reading Harry Potter books and she still continues to enjoy reading this series while in third year of college. Cerda says2, "I read the first four books in the series in four nights, then I had to wait three years for the fifth one to come out, It's so strange to think that now I'm waiting for the last one." Similar loyalty or love is expressed by the fans of television serials, when they make sure that in order to watch their favourite television serial, they get their meetings postponed. Football is the game played by a large number of nations around the world. But the situation becomes quite different during the European cup and sometimes during the world cups etc. The intense rivalry leaves the fans to fight it out amongst themselves. Similarly, though cricket is played by a few nations around the world, yet the intense competition has developed a large number of fans, who often make it a point that they travel with their favourite team, wherever the team goes for their matches. This includes visits within the country or abroad. Often, team managements too encourages such fans and try to sponsor their visits abroad. The commitment of fans to their favourite personalities or products is indeed commendable and provides encouragement. But, it is equally true that such tactics are being used by marketing gurus to reach out to the maximum number of people around the world. Today we are living in a world of globalisation and liberalisation, which is marked by competition in almost all sectors. Therefore, in order to reach out to the maximum number of people or audience, the marketing department tries to explore all possible means to spread the word about the product. This includes highlighting special features of the product, comparisons with the existing reputed brands, and the devotion shown by the die-hard fans. If we take a look at the world around us, we can easily figure out the distinctive emphasis on advertising techniques in reaching out to the customer. The marketing communication department is often entrusted with the task of coming out with the strategies which helps the customer in relating to the famous celebrities. While on the one hand the competition helps the consumer in getting worth of the spending, and consumer has a range of alternatives to chose from, companies too have come out with innovative ideas to reach out to the consumer with their products and brands. Marketing people try to come out with strategies which instil a brand with personality traits resulting in anthropomorphizing, personification and creation of user imagery (Aaker, 1997). Human beings tend to identify themselves with such traits which give them a distinct identity called fans. The fan community shares a set of common interests and hobbies. While identifying the community as fandom, Fiske (1992) state d that, "fans are active

Friday, September 6, 2019

Allegory in Lord of the Flies Essay Example for Free

Allegory in Lord of the Flies Essay In William Golding’s Lord of the Flies, which is set during World War II, English school boys, escaping war in England, crash on a deserted tropical island. From the protected environment of boarding school, the boys are suddenly thrust into a situation where they must fend for themselves. In order to survive, the boys copy their country’s rule for a civilized life by electing a leader, Ralph. He promises order, discipline, and rules for the boys so that they form a small civilized society. This civilized society does not last. Struggling with Jack who wants to be the leader and the boys’ fears of the unknown, Ralph is unable to maintain control, and the boys fulfill Golding’s perspective that human nature is inherently negative as the boys become savages that brutally and viciously kill. Golding creates an allegory by using symbols to show his pessimistic view of human nature through the boys’ desire for civilization, their struggle against evil, and their descent into savagery. Golding develops the allegory using symbols of the boys’ desire for civilization. Leadership and reasoning are represented by the symbols of Ralph and the conch and Piggy and his glasses. Finding a conch on the beach, Ralph uses it to keep law and order or peace among the boys. â€Å"Ralph grasped the idea and hit the shell with air from his diaphragm. Immediately the thing sounded† (15). Blowing into the conch, Ralph assembles the boys for meetings. He uses the conch to promote fair play by passing it around so that each boy has the opportunity to speak freely and express himself. â€Å"I’ll give the conch to the next person to speak. He can hold it when he’s speaking† (39). Ralph represents the order that is necessary in a civilized society, and the conch is the means by which he establishes this order. In addition to establishing order, Ralph organizes the boys into separate groups like hunters, gatherers, and shelter makers to aid the survival of the group giving more evidence of his leadership abilities. Ralph delegates one responsibility to Jack making him in charge of the hunters. Although the boys would prefer to have fun and play games, they follow Ralph’s rules at first. This order is maintained until Ralph loses his leadership role to Jack. After providing, or bribing, the boys with juicy pig meat, Jack asks â€Å"’Who’ll join my tribe and have fun? ’† (211). This lure of enjoyment along with the promise of more food sways the boys to follow Jack. With the demise of Ralph’s leadership and under the leadership of Jack, the boys begin to turn towards savagery. From this point on, the change in the leadership brings with it the transformation of the boys from ordered society to savages. Through the downfall of Ralph’s leadership and the resulting descent into savagery, Golding is able to reveal how the dark side of human nature can prevail. Golding’s character Piggy portrays the voice of reasoning and logic and his glasses symbolize his wisdom. Ralph recognizes Piggy’s ability to think with clarity and soon depends upon him in his role as leader. Piggy’s idea to use the conch to assemble all the survivors leads to Ralph’s election as leader. Ralph uses Piggy’s ideas for building shelter and Piggy’s glasses to ignite the signal fire. â€Å"Ralph moved the lenses back and forth, this way and that, till a glossy white image of the declining sun lay on a piece of the rotten wood† (30). Golding shows his pessimistic view of human nature as Piggy, whose ideas and logical thoughts have been so important to the boys’ survival, becomes irrational. Once the voice of reason, Piggy refuses to accept his role in the death of Simon. The destruction and loss of his glasses destroys Piggy’s ability to see clearly and decreases his ability to influence the actions of the group. Upon an attack, Piggy, who once refused to believe in the beast, thinks Jack is the beast and cries out â€Å"’It’s come! ’ gasped Piggy. ‘It’s real! † (233). Piggy continues to believe the group of boys will respond to logic when he asks them if it is better to be like savages and kill or to have order and be rescued. The boys remain silent when Roger pushes a big rock on Piggy to kill him. â€Å"Piggy, saying nothing, with no time for even a grunt, traveled through the air sideways from the rock, turning over as he went† (255-256). With the death of Piggy, who was the icon of reasoning, Golding shows that the dark side of human nature triumphs over reasoning and rational thinking. Golding extends the allegory by exploring the boys’ struggle against evil with the beast symbolizing the boys’ fears of evil and Jack as the symbol of the lure of evil. At one of their first meetings, the boys discuss their predicament with optimism that they will soon be rescued, and until that time, they will enjoy the freedom of the island. One of the smallest boys is urged by his peers to come forward to speak and asks reluctantly what will be done about the beast. The others laugh at him until he describes the beast as a big, snakelike creature that comes in the dark wanting to eat him. Ralph tries to dismiss the boy’s ideas as merely a nightmare, but the crowd did not completely believe him. â€Å"The eyes that looked so intently at him were without humor† (44). This moment plants the seeds of fear in the boys’ hearts that will later unleash their inner savage. Ralph returns to the topic of the beast at another meeting in hopes of calming the worries that began with the littluns and spread throughout the group. At this meeting Jack takes the conch and attempts to convince the boys again that the beast is just in their imagination. â€Å"’The thing is – fear can’t hurt you any more than a dream’† (110). Even Piggy speaks up to say that there is nothing such as the beast to be afraid of in the forest until he has the realization: â€Å"’Unless we get frightened of people. ’† (113). Golding’s development of the boys’ fears using the beast shows the struggle of humans with their inner selves and the evil that lies within. Golding creates the character Jack as a catalyst for the allegory by his luring of the boys into the evilness of savagery. When Jack first attempts to kill a pig, he hesitates because he still belongs to the civilization he left when the plane crashed. The pause was only long enough for them to understand what an enormity the downward stroke would be† (35). At this point, Jack changes. He loses the sense of self that resists the lure of evil and begins his descent to his dark side. â€Å"He snatched his knife out of the sheath and slammed it into a tree trunk. Next time there would be no mercy† (35-36). Jack becomes obsessed with hunting and works to perfect his weapons and his stealth. Jack dons a mask that frees him from his self-consciousness and shame creating a new person ready to kill. Jack takes some boys with him and kills a pig. When they returned, all are chanting â€Å"’Kill the pig. Cut her throat. Spill her blood. ’† (90). Jack transforms the young boys from innocent children to violent killers. Golding uses Jack to lure the others to evil and awaken their inner savage instincts. Golding’s allegory is further developed by his description of the boys’ descent into savagery symbolized by the deaths of the pig and Piggy. Golding shows Roger’s descent into savagery when Roger, excited and blood thirsty, begins a brutal attack on the pig. He plunged his spear into the pig and â€Å"began to push down with all his weight. The spear moved forward inch by inch and the terrified squealing became a high pitched scream† (189). Roger’s sense of elation derived from killing the pig makes him want more blood. Roger delves deeper into savagery as he takes the life of a fellow human being. No longer killing just for survival, Roger finds satisfaction in the death of Piggy. â€Å"Roger, with a sense of delirious abandonment, leaned all his weight on the lever† (255). Crushing Piggy with the rock, Roger silences Piggy forever. With Piggy’s death, Roger has committed murder, the ultimate crime. Lord of the Flies is an allegorical novel in which Golding uses the symbols of the conch, Piggy’s glasses, the beast, Jack, and Roger to reveal his views that human nature is innately evil. Through the boys’ desire for civilization, their struggle against evil, and their descent into savagery, Golding portrays humankind as civilized only on the surface with evil lurking just beneath. As Piggy said â€Å"’What are we? Humans? Or animals? Or savages? ’† (122).