Wednesday, December 11, 2019

Cloud Based Application Solution for Car Tracking

Question: Discuss about theCloud Based Application Solution for Car Tracking. Answer: Introduction For the system development, the business needs to work on the new and the innovative solutions that includes the increased costs and the use of the different resources. The IoT is based on easy development and the deployment of changes with the different levels of connection. The cloud computing works on the enabling of the firms and the individuals to process and store the data at different locations. The economic scale development includes the sharing of the resources and the coherence for the on-demand business solutions. The setup is based on working for AB Pty. Ltd which focus on management and the monitoring of the fleet systems where the cars have been zoned to the cloud based applications. The work is based on the development of applications through the use of IBM BlueMix with the cloud based resources and services. (Kumar, 2016). Applications Designing There have been data acquisition processes where the data is important for the real-time patterns. Hence, for this, the work is on allowing the control over the configuration process with the easy and fast prototyping. The setup of the GSM units and the capability is then programmed mainly through the acceptance with the hold of data on the computer along with operating the specific locations for the car. The antennas have been connected to Arduino where there is a connection for the internal and the external patterns. The units includes the identification number of the vehicle and the parameters which are controlled through the airbags and the ABS with the clearing of the vehicle diagnostics trouble codes. (Tata et al., 2016). The connection for the GPS coordinates includes the vehicles which can move out of the designated zone and work on the installation process to assemble the different holding units. Through this, there is a possibility to include the latitude and the longitude patterns for the OBD-II interface. With this, the IBM BlueMix has been able to handle the configuration process of the API keys and work on different device events that have been holding the name and the events, through proper credentials. The entire focus has been on the IoT with the deployment of functions and the activation of the new flow. The BlueMix node red has been for the No-SQL DB where there have been demands to add the Node Red application and work on the information for the different database patterns. With this, there has been line dragging with IBM IoT Output node with the cloud input node structure. Solutions For the dashboard Warehouse menu, there is a need to set the login credentials with the analysis of the services that have been in the different cars. The default settings have been to add the services or the API which will be important for the real-time patterns and the services. With this, there has been a proper API-token that has been copied with the data analytics that is important for handling the data feeds into the application and working on the mobile phone applications. A proper use of the Mobile Phone with the sending of alert message to the other phone is considered to be the best solution. (Kozub et al., 2016). As per the analysis, it has been seen that the car tracker is not able to send the message to the phone or the alerts and so lack the ability for collecting the performance of the engine. There have been lack in the performance and the vehicle health data and so it also misses the major requirements which are important for the alert management process and the main tenance. The IBM BlueMix includes the integration of the deployment models with the freedom to approach for the public, dedicated and the local servers which fits in the approach to the private cloud delivery. The scalability of the apps and the APIs help in high abstraction to higher control, where the leverage exists in IT with proper development of the apps, data and process. With this, there is a possibility to easily work on the support of the programming language and the services. This will help in the DevOps development with properly running the open technology on soft layer infrastructure. The approach is based on handling the IBM source and working over the function as a service system. (Sandha et al., 2016). This has been equal to the allowing to call without any major resource management from the developer. The work has been done with the flows in BlueMix for the Node Red that is for the No-SQL DB where there are information and the other database for handling the information to st ore the sensors along with the vehicle health and the warning prompts for the services. The entire setup is based on IoT output node to the cloudant node. The configuration and the data capture needs to handle the streaming to the database with the dragging into the middle pane of the worksheet. Conclusion The paper is based on the different solutions for the IBM BlueMix which is based on handling the case study for the different IoT principle. The cars have also been zoned into North, East, South and West where there is a proper management and the efficiency approach. (Reinitz, 2015). The Arduino data logger has been set with the SIM capability that marks the functioning of the on-board computer to collect all the information based on the system performance. With this, there is a need to program the GSM and GPRS systems in an effective manner. Reference Kumar, P., 2016. Internet of Things (IoT) development platforms-A case of IBM Bluemix. Tata, S., Mohamed, M., Anya, O., Sakairi, T., Mandagere, N., Ludwig, H. and Baracaldo, N., 2016, June. Managing Service Quality at the Platform and Application Levels with rSLa. 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